Jenny Magnusson och Patrik Elgström i duon SKYMMER OCH SER visar – Mellan två givna punkter kommer det alltid att finnas ett mellanrum, om än aldrig så litet (Aristoteles Fysik)

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Jenny Danielsson
Jennifer Sameland: Family Portrait

Conceived between 2021 and 2022, Family Portrait is a series of drawings I have made of various cleaning products. Under the working title Monument/ The Portrait Series, this project began in 2018 when I suffered from fatigue and depression and spent many hours cleaning to keep my hands occupied, a time when my home was cleaner than ever, and I was unhappy.

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Jenny Danielsson
Fredrik Jansson: Utan titel

- ”Nuförtiden kan ingen fly undan vardagen…” hörde Jag en gång en person i ett lunchgäng säga när Jag fotade dem runt om i Stockholm för ett antal år sedan. Påståendet har givetvis etsat sig fast hos mig och Jag tyckte mina gäng förtjänade en uppfräschning och varför inte få vandra in och ut genom en berättelse i 2B, 4B och 6B mm etc osv?

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Jenny Danielsson
Militza Monteverde Burrau: Saliva Nest

August 2021

Suddenly a sad face appears in my broken pearl necklace, it says: My loneliness is killing me (And I) I must confess, I still believe (Still believe) When I'm not with you I lose my mind give me a sign.

The Poet (2021) Oil on canvas

The Poem (2021) Oil on canvas

The Stoneface (2021) Oil on canvas

Mother's milk (2021) Bent steel pipes

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Jenny Danielsson
Alina Rentsch & Danae Valenza: The direction from which the clouds come

JULY 2021

By extracting poetic moments of this instructive text, alternative meanings are created, becoming reflective of the site itself. The gesture is amplified with the use of UV light, brought underground. Natural phenomena are superimposed onto the syncopation of collective space. Here, the cloud is a metaphor for an aesthetic of fleetingness in the tension between appearance and disappearance - infrastructures that are remarkably similar to the continuous movements within a public passageway.

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Jenny Danielsson
An Infinite Love

JUNE 2021

An Infinite Love at takes its inspiration from surgery and love. One of the most obvious and yet hushed up features of being a medical doctor, is the love for the other’s body. This love can transform the violence of the scalpel into healing care. Similarly the artist can transform the ugly, discarded and unwanted into something aesthetically pleasing that moves its audience’s emotions. There are, in other words, parallels between surgery and art and it is love that bring these two universes together: Love for the body; love for life.

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Jenny Danielsson
Joakim Forsgren: En sol, ett regn, en båge

MAY 2021

”För ett par månader sen, när livet kändes lite tyngre än vanligt, slog det mig, att om bara en enda av mina släktingar i rakt uppåtstigande led inte hade orkat leva, hade jag aldrig funnits. Jag fylldes av en hisnande känsla som lämnade mig djupt rörd. Det här är ett försök att visa tacksamhet.”

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Jenny Danielsson